The Loss of a Pet – an unbearable experience

The loss of a pet is a harrowing experience. Whether your pet dies suddenly or due to age or illness, it causes  great sorrow and pain. A grieving period is natural and necessary as pets give us unconditional love and precious companionship. All pet owners understand the deep pain of losing a cherished companion.

Separation hurts

The loss of a pet is as grievous as any other loss. The bond we build with pets is meaningful and sincere. Being permanently separated from your loyal pet hurts immensely. You need to give yourself time to heal. Accept the grief because we can’t tell our heart and feelings – don’t feel the sadness now.

Unanswered questions 

In this time of sorrow and confusion, you may question many things, like:

  • Why did your pet die
  • Was  it your fault
  • Could you have extended your pet’s life
  • Where is your pet now
  • What happens after death
  • Will your pet be/feel loved
  • Were you a good owner to your pet

Death follows life

We can give shelter, love, and food to our pets, but we can’t give them immortality. We are not the masters of life and death. Death follows birth, and maybe we should change our view about death. Anyone who owns a pet must realize that pets have shorter lives than humans. Here is an excellent book about this matter: The Amazing Afterlife of Animals: Messages and Signs From Our Pets On The Other Side

The Loss Of A Pet - How Losing A Pet Can Make You Stronger

Image by Hoàng_Thạch Nguyễn from Pixabay

The Loss of a Pet – how long do we grieve?

There is no specific time when grieving is completed. Everyone has different beliefs and experiences about life, birth, and death.  Age can also play a role in the length of mourning.

  • Younger people don’t grieve as long as older people but carry their pain longer.
  • Older people grieve for a longer period but don’t suffer the pain of loss as long.

Other factors that affect the length of mourning.

  • People who live alone with their pet are their only companion.
  • People with multiple pets can find comfort in the surviving pets. Their  presence may ease grief.
  • People with strong support systems can feel loved and comforted during their grief. It also helps to have people to talk to about their feelings and memories.

Other factors:

  • How long you had your pet
  • How closely you bonded to your pet.
  • How invested you were in your pet’s needs and daily care.

In conclusion, we can’t number, limit, or ignore our grief. It is a very subjective experience.

The Loss Of A Pet - How Losing A Pet Can Make You Stronger

Photo by Krismas on Unsplash

The Loss of a Pet – what can you do?

Do nothing! –yes, nothing. This is the first step and most important step:

  • Take your time.
  • Allow yourself to grieve.
  • Give yourself time to heal.


Remember the beautiful experiences you had with your beloved pet. This step is crucial as it brings back happy memories and gives you inner calm and quiet.


Be grateful you had a chance to live with such a great pet. How blessed you were to love and share a life with such a wonderful creature. Many people never get the opportunity to experience a bond as genuine and selfless as the one you had with your pet. Be grateful that your beloved pet entered your life.

Loving thoughts

Send some loving thoughts to your pet. Remember their unique personality.

Getting a new pet

If you have the opportunity, consider getting a new pet. Getting a new pet isn’t cruel and you shouldn’t feel guilty. It shows how thankful you are for the love and companionship your former pet gave you. Receiving such unconditional love makes your heart bigger and so it’s natural to want to share that love with another pet.

Grief experience

If you believe nothing in your life happens without reason, then the loss of a pet can be seen as a necessary experience. Animals, like us, cannot live forever. No-one dies before their time, we must go when our time comes.

Pet reincarnation

Find some blogs or books about pet reincarnation. You don’t need to believe in reincarnation but it may help to see other perspectives and beliefs.

The Loss of a Pet – afterlife stories

You will be surprised how many afterlife stories exist about deceased pets. There are blogs and books about amazing real-life stories. It may also help to realize you’re not alone, many people experience the loss of a beloved pet.

You can find hope and guidance on this link:  

or search for some books like:

If you don’t like to read books, YouTube has many beautiful pet afterlife stories. You can find audio and video stories to help alleviate grief. Some people even find comfort in talking to a pet psychic.

The Loss of a Pet – How Losing a Cat Can Make You Stronger

The loss of a pet can make you stronger. We know, it made us stronger.

Grieving will transform into gratitude in time

  • After the grieving and pain, comes gratitude for the beautiful present that shared your life, your beloved pet.
  • Gratitude will wash away the sadness and open the door to love.
  • You will gain new perspectives on grief and loss
  • The great and funny times you had with your pet will bring you happiness again.

Time for compassion

  • You’re not alone and you may find comfort in the many stories from people who believe their pet has been reincarnated or that their beloved pet watches over them and the signs that convinced them. You don’t have to believe it, but you can hear these stories and know others have felt your pain and survived.

Dedication to your beloved pet

  • If your grief is still active and you want your pet desperately – find some object, necklace, bracelet, small pocket stone, and dedicate it to the passed animal. This dedicated object can help you feel your pet is still with you.

Death is a natural passage

  • Being stronger means being at peace with the things we cannot change,  you’ll accept death and loss with grace and respect. Death is our companion and the great equalizer. It’s a natural passage.

Death and positive change

  • If your pet dies because of unnatural, negligent, or illegal circumstances, you can work to prevent that from happening to another pet. If they die from a natural cause that is rare, you can share your experience and help other pet owners identify symptoms and get early treatment.

New pet?

  • Everything happens for a reason in our world, and there was a reason you had a pet. Consider getting another pet, not to replace or to compensate for your loss but for a fresh new, unique lovely experience.
Photo by @agapetrn Unsplash

Photo by @agapetrn Unsplash

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